Nicole Locke Administrative Assistant at Arkansas Judiciary |
Nicole Locke Administrative Assistant at Arkansas Judiciary |
Lawyers in good standing do not have any complaints or disciplinary actions being taken against them.
Arkansas has one of the fewest lawyers per capita in the country, with an average of 2.2 legal professionals for every 1,000 residents or almost half the national ratio of 4 per 1000.
As of June 2024, the average salary for a lawyer in the state is around $93,406 per year, which is below the national average.
The United States has around 1.3 million attorneys, with the lawyer population projected to grow by 8% between 2022 and 2032.
Data refers to all lawyers who were actively practicing during this period.
Lawyer Name | Bar Number | Date of Admission |
Adrian Paul Hannah | 2024255 | 09/18/2024 |
Ashley Nicole Louks | 2016243 | 09/29/2016 |
Audra Lee Pleasant | 2013084 | 04/23/2013 |
Brandon Wayne McCabe | 2023255 | 09/21/2023 |
Brian H. Light | 2014126 | 09/08/2014 |
Brooke Thompson Cavitt | 2009204 | 09/21/2009 |
Casey L. Cullipher | 2006157 | 09/06/2006 |
Chord Cantrell | 2020219 | 09/16/2020 |
Christopher Charles Raff | 76099 | 09/14/1976 |
Christopher James O'Neill | 2015050 | 04/10/2015 |
Colbie M. Harsson | 2011076 | 04/21/2011 |
Denny Paul Petty | 71063 | 03/30/1971 |
Donald Charles Eudaly | 2012019 | 02/15/2012 |
Franklin Michael Faust | 90174 | 08/30/1990 |
George Gregory Niblock | 88047 | 03/21/1988 |
Haden Grace Majors | 2023129 | 09/11/2023 |
Heath Andrew Ramsey | 2002169 | 09/18/2002 |
James Michael Petty | 2016183 | 09/12/2016 |
Jessalynn Mett Brewer Born | 2011140 | 09/06/2011 |
Jessie Lee Garrison | 2024036 | 04/08/2024 |
Joann Underwood | 86045 | 04/03/1986 |
Jonathan R. Streit | 2004203 | 10/01/2004 |
Julie Taylor Stearns | 2000038 | 03/29/2000 |
Justin Gabriel Mercer | 2010179 | 09/13/2010 |
Leah Stanley Kerr | 2004201 | 10/01/2004 |
Lee Albert Biggs | 80011 | 03/25/1980 |
Macey Rogers Ziegenbalg | 2023179 | 09/15/2023 |
Mark A. Pate | 96231 | 09/16/1996 |
Mark Mason Derrick | 90062 | 04/09/1990 |
Megan A. Chappelear | 2016063 | 04/13/2016 |
Michael A. Kee | 2013173 | 09/11/2013 |
Michelle Lee Bridges | 2010040 | 04/06/2010 |
Mickey D. Beebe | 72006 | 08/16/1972 |
Mitchell Neal Sebourn | 2015271 | 12/16/2015 |
Penny Choate Agee | 2001104 | 04/30/2001 |
Philip Jeffrey Hoggard | 2006230 | 09/14/2006 |
Phyllis B. Worley | 88189 | 08/25/1988 |
Rhonda Michelle Bunn | 97006 | 03/24/1997 |
Robert Batton | 71004 | 03/31/1971 |
Robert Craig Hannah | 90175 | 08/30/1990 |
Robert Welton Hudgins | 81094 | 09/21/1981 |
Ross Norman Ridout | 94152 | 08/26/1994 |
Scott Cowell | 2009050 | 04/14/2009 |
Scott Christopher Bles | 97105 | 08/25/1997 |
Wesley Grant Lody | 77082 | 03/25/1977 |