Cabot Chamber of Commerce issued the following announcement on June 3.
The Cabot Firefighter Calendar Association is ramping up production on the 2023 Cabot Firefighter Calendar!!
They are currently selling Ad space in the calendar for sponsors!!
They want to say thank you to everyone who sponsored and purchased a calendar last year It was a huge hit and with your help, they aim to make it even better this year. Thanks to your generous donations they were able to purchase much needed equipment that will be used for years to come!
They have different sponsorship levels available!
Please make sure to go follow and Like their page for more announcements! You can also send a DM or use the contact info at the bottom of the sponsor sheet for more info on being a sponsor of the 2023 calendar..the spots will surely go fast so get signed up while space is available!
Again, Thank you all for your support!
#firefightercalendar #firedepartment #CFDStrong #firefighterfitness #cabotarkansas #cabotfirefightercalendaror
Original source can be found here.
Source: Cabot Chamber of Commerce