City of Beebe issued the following announcement on May 27.
Several people have contacted me in reference to ordinance 2022-6. Some have come to believe that this will give The City authority to enforce Beebe Zoning codes outside of the city limits. However, in reality, it just gives The City the ability to regulate new subdivisions that are developed within one mile of the city limits. In other words, The City will be able to ensure compliance with state building codes for a subdivision that is developed within one mile of The City. I discussed these concerns with City Attorney Randy Grice and he has revised the proposed ordinance to help alleviate some concerns of the community. My intentions are to request the issue to be sent back to the Planning & Zoning Commission so that they may hold a public hearing. This will give the public an opportunity to address their concerns before a decision is made. However, just to clarify, this ordinance does not give The City the ability to regulate any issue outside of the city limits, except to ensure compliance with Arkansas building codes for new subdivisions.
I want to ensure each of you, that I agree with you, that The City does not have the authority to regulate grass or property uses outside of The City. I want The City to have no such authority (it's hard enough to enforce the regulations inside of The City), and I will never ask for a property annexation. Any property annexed will be at the request of the property owner. -Mayor Mike Robertson
Original source can be found here.
Source: City of Beebe